Artist James Fiorentino of Hunterdon County, NJ, has won national acclaim for his ability to create uncanny likenesses of people. The youngest artist ever inducted into the prestigious New York Society of Illustrators, James uses his self-taught watercolor expression to paint some of the most recognized faces in the world, from sports icons and presidents to Nobel Prize winners and CEOs. His award-winning art is showcased in museums, galleries, and private collections across the globe, and his story has been told on national television and in the pages of magazines and newspapers.

Now, James’s trademark detail and realism in watercolor can be seen in his wildlife paintings. The Society of Animal Artists exhibited many of his paintings in the prestigious and highly competitive Art and the Animal show, which was held at the San Diego Natural History Museum in 2011 and at the Bennington Museum in Vermont in 2014, Hiram Blauvelt art Museum in 2017 and The James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art in 2018 and now in 2021 with AFC.  In 2017 his original “Brown Bear Fishing” was exhibited at The Nature and Art Museum in Gloucester , England.  His “Black Vulture” was published in the Society of Illustrators Annual Exhibition, Illustrators 51, and one of his paintings was jury selected for the highly regarded 2014 America's Parks exhibit. James’s art has been chosen for the Artists for Conservation (many of James paintings have traveled to numerous Museums) annual international show many times wining an Awards of Excellence in 2017, and he has an on going traveling exhibition, “Rare Wildlife Revealed,” in partnership with the Conserve Wildlife Foundation. James’s nature paintings have also been exhibited in many other museums and galleries across the United States.

 In keeping with his expanding body of work, James is a signature member of the Society of Animal Artists and Artists for Conservation in addition to the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society , Garden State Watercolor Society, New Jersey Watercolor Society and the Salmagundi Club. He also serves as a trustee for The Raptor Trust and D & R Greenway Land Trust, both in New Jersey.