D&R Greenway Land Trust Releases New Video Featuring Babe Ruth’s Granddaughter: ‘Fields of Dreams’

December 15, 2020 Princeton: Grandparents and parents seeking holiday gifts for their Little Leaguers will be inspired by watching D&R Greenway’s latest video ‘Fields of Dreams’ featuring sports and the outdoors in the starring role. Linda Ruth Tosetti, granddaughter of legendary home-run hitter Babe Ruth, tells personal stories about the Babe’s early life and how he became motivated to become a baseball player.

“My grandfather looked up to Father Mathais, a mountain of a man, and Babe stood head and shoulders over the other kids,” says Linda Ruth Tosetti about her grandfather’s mentor at a Catholic school. Viewers are treated to historic photos of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor from Babe Ruth’s youth. Sports fans will be fascinated to hear the story of how he learned to throw.

The video begins with D&R Greenway trustee James Fiorentino, an artist who has painted many of baseball’s legendary players. …

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